[Foundation-l] Status of cloak requests

Majorly axel9891 at googlemail.com
Mon Feb 25 23:17:30 UTC 2008

On 25/02/2008, Andrew Whitworth <wknight8111 at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 5:23 PM, Majorly <axel9891 at googlemail.com> wrote:
> >  Sean, it isn't that you are lazy - far from it. It's the fact you and
> James
> >  are probably two of the least active people on IRC/Wikipedia. James has
> been
> >  absent for nearly a month now, your status is nearly always set to away
> (as
> >  is his), and while we appreciate you are busy in real life, this is
> stuff
> >  that needs doing. There are plenty of people trustworthy enough for
> this
> >  role. In the past, we've had more than two contacts (Essjay, Fennec,
> Angela,
> >  da_didi were all at the same time if I recall). What's the problem with
> >  adding an additional person (or more), who will actually get the work
> done
> >  well and without big delays?
> If the problem lies with the people at freenode, then it doesnt matter
> how active either of these two people are. For what it's worth, when I
> asked for my cloak a little while back, it was handled in a very
> timely fashion. That says to me that these two volunteers are actually
> very speedy, when there are no impediments.
> I would be interested in volunteering to be a group contact as well,
> if more were needed.
> --Andrew Whitworth
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Perhaps this time it is not our contacts' problem, and it is freenode. But
Sean even says in his original post... he is on a Wikibreak, and is busy in
real life. This problem comes up time and time again. Sean insists the
problem is under control. But I don't believe it is.

Alex (Majorly)


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