[Foundation-l] Wikimania and the Muhammad pix

Mark Williamson node.ue at gmail.com
Sun Feb 24 14:57:19 UTC 2008

>  If you are afraid, just do not act. If you fear terrorism in Egypt, just
>  do not come. We'll meet in other places, at other times. There is
>  nothing wrong in being afraid, but respect the fact others may have
>  other fears and other priorities than you. There will be other
>  wikimanias as well. There is a long future in front of you.

Probably the most important sentiment here. Although I strongly
disagree with WMF holding Wikimania in Alexandria, I have to agree
with Florence that there will be other Wikimanias in the future, and
it is time to put these issues behind us for now.

Yes, perhaps the selection did not give enough weight to certain
issues. Yes, Egypt is not the most safe country for certain groups of
people, of which I count myself a member of several.

So we can just not go to Wikimania, or we can decide that the benefits
for us outweigh the risks. It is a tough decision, but we will have to
make it. And if we don't go this year, we can show up next year, or
the one after that.


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