[Foundation-l] Next board meeting

Ilario Valdelli valdelli at gmail.com
Sun Feb 24 14:23:03 UTC 2008

No problem but in any case the name of Financial Controller is more
correct than "treasurer".

As you see here 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treasurer#In_other_organizations probably 
that are skills that cannot be managed by volunteers.

It seems more realistic to bound the role for control.


Thomas Dalton wrote:
>>  The treasurer in fact must be the financial director (CFO).
>>  But I think that is *VERY VERY* important that the role of control is
>>  *DIFFERENT* from the role of executive.
>>  In this case the board must decide to have not a treasurer but a
>>  "Financial Controller".
> I think you're getting confused with the names. We have a CFO,
> Veronique Kessler, who is a member of staff and in charge of day to
> day financial matters. The treasurer is a member of the board and is
> in charge of financial oversight and advising the board on financial
> matters.

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