[Foundation-l] Next board meeting

Ilario Valdelli valdelli at gmail.com
Sun Feb 24 13:04:09 UTC 2008

IMHO the structure of WMF is not the same structure of a local Chapter.

The treasurer in fact must be the financial director (CFO).

But I think that is *VERY VERY* important that the role of control is 
*DIFFERENT* from the role of executive.

In this case the board must decide to have not a treasurer but a 
"Financial Controller".


effe iets anders wrote:
> Hi Florence,
> First of all I'd like to thank the Board and the Foundtaion as a whole
> for the increased openness. This is iirc the first time since a while
> that a board meeting has been announced this publicly on beforehand,
> including to-be-discussed topics.
> I am glad that a secretary will be chosen, but a question that keeps
> popping up to me is the treasurer. Because the Foundation website
> still doesn't mention a treasurer, and a board without a treasurer
> sounds a bit scary to me. Maybe it would be worthwhile to appoint at
> least a temporary treasurer? (Assuming that the Board is still
> searching outside the community for a new treasurer)
> A

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