[Foundation-l] Wikimania and the Muhammad pix

Claudio Mastroianni gattonero at gmail.com
Sat Feb 23 22:15:32 UTC 2008

Il giorno 23/feb/08, alle ore 22:59, Florence Devouard ha scritto:

> Okay.
> I think that Egypt bashing has been going on for a sufficient time  
> now,
> and I would like to strongly suggest to give it a break NOW.
> I feel deep embarassment for all of our Egyptians wikipedians.

Yep, but no one seems to feel deep embarassment for all of our Queer  
Never felt in the past, it seems (this problem should have been  
evaluated BEFORE the choose of Alexandria).
Nice, hu?

I think that - to remain FACTUAL - using always the "you're making  
Wikimedia embarassing" is a bit too much "routine".

> It should not matter what the political advocacy of our governments  
> are.
> It should not matter where we come from. It should not matter  
> whether we
> are gays, or muslims, or newyorkers.

Or Nazis? Or killers? Or pedophile? Or rapers?
What matters is only "freedom, transparency, collaboration,  
neutrality"? ONLY?

> Yes, there may be some risks, just as there are risks in every place  
> we
> could have gone to.

Of course. Pizza attacks in Italy. Baguette War in France. Sushi  
terrorism in Japan.
A fall from the stairs in my house.

Doesn't this phrase sound cliché demagogic even to you, Florence?

> If you are afraid, just do not act. If you fear terrorism in Egypt,  
> just
> do not come. We'll meet in other places, at other times. There is
> nothing wrong in being afraid, but respect the fact others may have
> other fears and other priorities than you. There will be other
> wikimanias as well. There is a long future in front of you.

Translations: "If you don't agree with us Board, just take your kick  
in the ass, and go away. But thanks for writing some articles on wiki."

Claudio / Gatto Nero

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