[Foundation-l] Wikimania and the Muhammad pix

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Sat Feb 23 19:46:40 UTC 2008

Ben McIlwain wrote:
> geni wrote:
>> On 23/02/2008, Ben McIlwain <cydeweys at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Sweet Christ, can anyone remind me how in the hell we ever decided on
>>>  Egypt in the first place?  Was that when the probability of being killed
>>>  by terrorists was equally rated with the desire to not host Wikimania on
>>>  the same continent two years in a row?
>> The Egyptian government is not going to allow tourists to get killed
>> by anyone. Have you any idea what it would do to their economy?
> Your statement presupposes that governments are omnipotent, omniscient,
> and competent.  The very thought is laughable.
> Incidentally, September 11 sure as hell wasn't good for our economy
> either, yet it happened anyway.
You've just made a good argument for never having Wikimania in New York.


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