[Foundation-l] Wikimania and the Muhammad pix

Dan Rosenthal swatjester at gmail.com
Sat Feb 23 18:41:34 UTC 2008

That's not correct.

  In several of those incidents the target was specifically picked for  
having Israelis.  The Ras Burqa massacre specifically targeted israeli  
tourists. By the way, the killer in that case was an Egyptian  
policeman who machinegunned the Israelis, while other nearby policemen  
refused to give aid to the wounded, and stopped an israeli doctor from  
giving aid to the wounded at gunpoint, leaving the wounded to bleed to  
death. Egyptian politicians labeled the murderer a hero of the Sinai,  
and there were numerous demonstrations in support of the killer, and  
in opposition to his trial.

The Sharm el Sheikh attacks were conducted in a location that is  
widely considered to be an Israeli tourist destination.

The 2004 attacks against hotels were also conducted by palestinian  
organizations specifically targeting Israelis. The Israeli government  
knew of plans to conduct such an attack, and issued warnings, which  
went unheeded.

On Feb 23, 2008, at 1:29 PM, geni wrote:

> On 23/02/2008, Dan Rosenthal <swatjester at gmail.com> wrote:
>> The egyptian government isn't going to allow tourists to get killed  
>> by
>> anyone? I assume then, you're ignoring the several terrorist  
>> incidents
>> involving murders of tourists, in recent years.
> The difference being there was no reason to think those places might
> be a target more than any other tourist point. If there really is a
> special threat to wikimania the Egyptian government will take special
> steps to protect it (ie even more men with guns).
> -- 
> geni
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