[Foundation-l] WMF/EFF and Copyright extension

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Thu Feb 21 21:33:31 UTC 2008

geni wrote:
> On 20/02/2008, daniwo59 at aol.com <daniwo59 at aol.com> wrote:
>> Long Way to Tipperary was cowritten by Jack Judge, who died in 1938, and
>>  Harry Williams who died in 1922. If it were solely Williams, the song would have
>>  entered the public domain in 2017, i.e., nine years from now. On the other
>>  hand,  Vera Lynn, who recorded it in 1939, is still alive today. In other words,
>>   not in the lifetime of anyone actually reading this email
> Fortunately the actual term is life+70 not life+95 (US has
> publication+95 in some cases and Mexico has life+100 but no one has
> life+95).
True.  Cote d'Ivoire has life + 99, but none have exactly life + 95.
> In the EU Long Way to Tipperary will therefor entered the public
> domain at midnight Jan 1st 2009 (thus the wide celebration of public
> domain day with people staying up to midnight to celebrate) meaning
> that within the EU assuming no law changes the song will be completely
> public domain on that date. Any Vera Lynn recording made in 1939 of
> the song would also be completely in the public domain in the EU on
> that date.
Her 1939 recording will be PD on Jan. 1, 2010, but the song itself and 
any later recording by her will not.  Depending on when the law changed 
away from life + 25 that 1939 recording may already be PD.


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