[Foundation-l] Board elections

Aphaia aphaia at gmail.com
Tue Feb 19 02:08:29 UTC 2008

On Feb 19, 2008 10:58 AM, Philippe Beaudette
<philippebeaudette at gmail.com> wrote:
> Stephen's points are all well made.  I think it would be particularly
> prudent to figure out voting system and translators as early as possible.
> Also, it seemed we were scrambling to localize the election wiki at the last
> minute last year - getting started on that would be a help as well (which
> drives Stephen's second question: who to involve).

As for localization of Boardvote extention, some of default messages
on Betawiki were taken from 2006 version, others seem from even 2005.
Three I noticed, and it is not a large number, but we have no need to
localize them apparently (they have year-specific info like the number
of chosen winners, voting system, etc). Maybe more generic (and less
informative) message may be better to give as default, particularly in
the situation Langcom encourage them to localize all used messages.
Generally l10n is good but in this specific case, it may only help to
spread wrong information :(

> I'm also curious about the community's response to the endorsements system
> used last time, and whether it makes sense to do it again - and whether the
> required number of endorsements should be raised (I'm inclined to believe
> they should - most candidates met the requirement VERY quickly last year).

On Meta RfC as well as foundation-l and the endorsement talk page
there were some other argument about details. Community would be
wholeheartedly welcome to input by the next year committee as well as
the last year one who was very keen to get feedback ;)

> Philippe
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "Stephen Bain" <stephen.bain at gmail.com>
> Sent: Monday, February 18, 2008 6:58 PM
> To: <anthere at anthere.org>; "Wikimedia Foundation Mailing List"
> <foundation-l at lists.wikimedia.org>
> Subject: Re: [Foundation-l] Board elections
> > On Feb 19, 2008 11:45 AM, Florence Devouard <anthere at anthere.org> wrote:
> >>
> >> It seems quite early to start talking about future board elections, but
> >> members of the previous election committee have expressed the
> >> recommandation that more time would be the key for 2008 board elections.
> >
> > It's certainly not too early; many of the problems last year were
> > simply the result of the election committee running out of time to do
> > things.
> >
> > Some issues that we can start thinking about now include:
> >
> > * translations - we can start identifying people now who will be
> > willing to help translate the election pages - last year there were
> > fewer translations completed than in previous years
> >
> > * third-party involvement - will we invite SPI or another third-party
> > to help conduct the election again?
> >
> > * changes to process - now is a good time to have discussions among
> > the Wikimedia community about the mechanics of the election process,
> > while there is plenty of time to implement changes
> >
> > --
> > Stephen Bain
> > stephen.bain at gmail.com
> >
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