[Foundation-l] WMF/EFF and Copyright extension

Florence Devouard Anthere9 at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 19 00:23:58 UTC 2008

Brian McNeil wrote:
> I've put out a few feelers on getting people involved on this and made a
> start on an article for Wikinews - where I won't be putting the questions
> due to COI.
> http://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Wikinews:Story_preparation/Wikinews_interviews_E
> rik_Josefsson_on_working_around_the_EU_and_proposed_copyright_changes
> That's just a working title, I'd welcome input from all on this issue.
> I've emailed Mike, Jay, and Florence on the issue - primarily with the goal
> of having a board resolution condemning the measure to deliver to the EFF on
> Friday (short notice, I know). I've Mike's comment on the issue (from
> ComCom) which he's said I can pass on, I'm assuming I can pass on a list of
> contact emails for this. Same three suspects as already mentioned, but I do
> want permission to pass those one.
> I trust my fellow Wikinewsie Michael to do a good job on interviewing and
> likely get us a few photos. If we can find out who all is attending we may
> get some bonus photos for Commons. In the interim, *please* stick questions
> on that page. Don't worry about formatting, that'll get sorted. I'll be
> taking notes to see what other press is there and if there are any packs
> being handed out I'll collect and scan one to mail on here. For my part, I'm
> there because I'm on ComCom and WMF should be talking to these guys.

I doubt we'll get a resolution on this on time... but we are morally 
supporting you Brian ! Thank you for the hard work on this.


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