[Foundation-l] Licensing tutorials

Chad innocentkiller at gmail.com
Thu Feb 14 20:44:04 UTC 2008

On the subject of Tutorials, what about a generic tutorial about how
the Wikimedia
Foundation operates, as a non-profit. Some people might not understand the
governing role of the Foundation, the membership role (or lack, in
this case), et
cetera. As an idea, I suggest turning to the FAQ section of Idealist.org.

Examples such as: "What does the board do?"
>>Answer: http://www.idealist.org/if/i/en/faq/1-7/3-1
Or: "Is the board paid?"
>>Answer: http://www.idealist.org/if/i/en/faq/11-77/33-11
Or: "Who sees the meeting minutes?"
>>Answer: http://www.idealist.org/if/i/en/faq/25-54/46-28

I'm thinking using these kind of FAQs with an eye for our organization
could produce
a "manual" to the Foundation, in a sense, explaining who does what and
why things
are done the way they are. I look forward to suggestions.


On Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 3:29 PM, Erik Moeller <erik at wikimedia.org> wrote:
> All -
>  could you send me some links - offlist is fine - to useful tutorials
>  that you're aware of on free content licensing? I think there are some
>  pages on Wikimedia Commons that might be useful, if perhaps a bit
>  project-centric.
>  It would just be good to have some URLs to shoot to folks who have
>  heard once of Creative Commons and open source - but really don't have
>  a clue what any of it means, get confused about the
>  commercial/non-commercial distinction, think they can still cut
>  exclusive deals for some types of usage, etc. :-)
>  Thanks,
>  Erik
>  --
>  Erik Möller
>  Deputy Director, Wikimedia Foundation
>  Support Free Knowledge: http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Donate
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