[Foundation-l] Wikimedia Census

Nikola Smolenski smolensk at EUnet.yu
Tue Feb 12 14:00:02 UTC 2008

Chad wrote:
> You expect any different? Kids will be kids, and I highly doubt making them put
> a birthday to make them at least 13 is any challenging task. Some websites

It's not about making them. They would still be allowed to answer the 
questions - only they won't know that the answers won't be used.

> On Feb 12, 2008 5:51 AM, Nikola Smolenski <smolensk at eunet.yu> wrote:
>> Deni Symonds wrote:
>>> Don't ask don't tell? ;) I think we could say <13.5 or, we could ask for their birth date and if they are below that, save that information and ask no other questions.
>> This entire discussion is centered around the fact that, if that is
>> done, kids will lie about their age in order to answer questions, thus
>> rendering the results unusable.
>> I suggested that the questions are asked, but the results are not saved
>> anywhere.

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