[Foundation-l] Wikimedia Census

Nikola Smolenski smolensk at EUnet.yu
Tue Feb 12 10:51:57 UTC 2008

Deni Symonds wrote:
> Don't ask don't tell? ;) I think we could say <13.5 or, we could ask for their birth date and if they are below that, save that information and ask no other questions.

This entire discussion is centered around the fact that, if that is 
done, kids will lie about their age in order to answer questions, thus 
rendering the results unusable.

I suggested that the questions are asked, but the results are not saved 

>> Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2008 10:09:22 +0000
>> From: thomas.dalton at gmail.com
>> To: foundation-l at lists.wikimedia.org
>> Subject: Re: [Foundation-l] Wikimedia Census
>> On 12/02/2008, David Goodman <dgoodmanny at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> sure it would meet it--it means we have no indication to indicate they
>>> are under 13.
>> I certainly wouldn't buy that, and I doubt anyone else would. If
>> someone is 13 or under, there is a very good chance that they are, in
>> fact, under 13.

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