[Foundation-l] [Wikipedia-l] Thai Tourism authority intends to edit all pages with info about Thailand

Yaroslav M. Blanter putevod at mccme.ru
Fri Feb 8 07:57:49 UTC 2008

Just checked the article on Rama VIII (a sensitive issue for Thai
authorities since it claims the king may have been murdered), and it did
not have any major edits last year.


> According to an internetforum I am on Thai politician's articles were
> sanitized in the last year ....
> Somebody fiddled with a lot of Thai entries last year. e.g. All the
> negative information about Thaksin's son suddenly disappeared, among
> other things. Also, a certain less than popular national figure had his
> entry sort of sanitised.
> http://www.thai360.com/fbb/showtopic.php?fid/8/tid/525412/pid/659489/post/last/#LAST
> According to a poster whom I know quite well and is reliable.
> Waerth
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