[Foundation-l] Wikipedia songs

gwern0 at gmail.com gwern0 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 6 01:15:46 UTC 2008

On 2008.01.28 20:57:40 +0000, David Gerard <dgerard at gmail.com> scribbled 1.7K characters:
> On 28/01/2008, David Gerard <dgerard at gmail.com> wrote:
> > On 28/01/2008, Erik Moeller <erik at wikimedia.org> wrote:
> > > Feel free to add new free content songs to:
> > > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Song
> > None based on "Still Alive"? I'm appalled!
> This was a triumph.
> I'm making a note here:
> It's hard to overstate my satisfaction
> Wikipedia Review

Doesn't quite scan - Wikipedia is 5 syllables, Review 2 for 7, while Aperture is 3 and Science is 2. Maybe "'Pedia Review"?

> We do what we must
> because we can
> For the good of all of us

'lulz' seems appropriate here. :)

> Except the ones who are banned
> But there's no sense crying
> over every quick block
> You just keep on saving
>  till the data base's locked

-  till you run  out    of cake.

Maybe, 'till the page is locked'? Same syllable count, same distribution, and makes more sense for edit-warring anyway.

> And the editing is stopped
> A Squid failure notice up
> For the people who are
> still unbanned
> I'm not even angry.
> I'm being so sincere right now.
> Even though you blocked my ass
> And banned me
> And blocked my whole college
> And set the IT staff on my ass

Eh. One too many 'ass' here. 'set the IT staff on my track'?

> As they kicked me out I cried,
> I was so happy for you!
> Now I've found your IP and your home phone on time
> And I found your employer and I'll drop them a line
> So I'm glad I got blocked
> And the database is locked

As per previous, maybe pages instead.

> for the people who are
> still unbanned
> Go ahead and leave me
> I'll stay on the Wikback for a while
> maybe I'll find somewhere else
> to edit
> maybe Citizendium ...

'Black Mesa', 3, 'Wikia', 3. Seems like a worthwhile substitution to me.

> Anyway, these edits grate

? 'are great'?

> They're so delicious and moist
> look at me still talking when there's editing to do
> when I look out there
> it makes me glad I'm not you
> I've experiments to run

I don't know why, but I really want to change this line to "I've got admin bots to run". :)

> there is research to be done
> on the people who are
> still unbanned
> and believe me I am still unbanned
> I'm adding edits and I'm still unbanned
> when AOL's blocked and I'm still unbanned

How about 'Congress'? 2 syllables.

> when Qatar's blocked I'll be still unbanned
> and when the world's blocked I'll be still unbanned
> still unbanned
> (anyone who wants to fix the scansion, feel free)
> - d.

CCSS SEAL csystems rb SADRS JTF Firewalls Colonel VOA STEEPLEBUSH
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