[Foundation-l] Fwd: Re: Fwd: Wikimedia-wide globalblocking mechanism?

Yann Forget yann at forget-me.net
Mon Feb 4 14:35:32 UTC 2008


Birgitte SB wrote:
> As I said before [1], stewards should be allowed to
> opt-in the wiki's with no community.  Disscussions
> only need to happen if there is an active community. 
> I also don't mind opt-out if everyone gets
> comprehensible notification about the system and how
> to opt-out.  

If the stewards would be able to decide themselves to opt-in a wiki
without community approval, then this is quite the same as the opt-out
proposal by Lodewijk.

IMHO, when this system is technically ready, there should be a
discussion in each wiki which has a community, at least to inform the
wiki that
1. the new feature exists,
2. the wiki has the choice to opt-in or -out.
Now if no community is able to take such a decision, and the stewards
take it for them, your proposition is quite the same as Lodewijk's. It
only gives more power to stewards, which they should not have.



> The idea that people check the wiki's block logs on a
> regular basis and would even know what such block
> would signify if they saw them is unreasonable.  The
> only time people completely uniformed about this
> system are going to discover it, is when they are
> already experiencing a problem.  And they will
> speculate amoung themselves about what these blocks
> mean and come up some strange bad faith ideas.  And
> once they are alll worked up about this, they will
> confront the stewards with these bad faith
> accusations.  And it will be quite hard to explain
> things to them at that time.  Do none of you remember
> all the other times we have been through situations
> like this? 
> The recent messages on this thread show that those
> responding to me are twisting what I say without even
> considering the compromises I suggest.  So I am done
> commenting on this.  Just don't pretend I was
> suggesting something as foolish as a wiki with no
> community come to a local consensus on opting in,
> because I was not.
> Birgitte SB

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