[Foundation-l] Enter the 'Stillman Wiki Wall' Photo Contest...

Jay A. Walsh jwalsh at wikimedia.org
Sat Feb 2 00:04:53 UTC 2008

Greetings wikimedians!

As many of you probably know, the Wikimedia Foundation has relocated its main offices to San Francisco. Our new space on Stillman Street is still 
being organized, but one of the interesting discoveries is a prominent 'feature wall.' You can see what we're talking about here:


The wall itself is fairly large; each image you see is about 30cms x 30cms.

We're turning this feature wall into the Stillman Wiki Wall, a space to showcase photos in our big, open space. This is a great opportunity to 
demonstrate what our users, readers, volunteers, staff, and board are up to - but we need your help!

Starting Saturday, February 2, 2008 we're asking interested contributors to upload photos for consideration on Wikimedia Commons. Our informal panel 
of judges (staff members Sue Gardner, Erik Moeller, Cary Bass, and Jay Walsh) will decide on the nine winners by 18:00 UTC, Friday, February 8, 2008.

The winners will have their images displayed prominently on the Stillman Wiki Wall - your photo could be right in the centre of the Wikimedia 
Foundation offices!

How to enter
     * Upload your photo (preferably to the Wikimedia Commons) no later than Thursday, February 7, 18:00 UTC.
     * Post each photo (link below) with your attribution (descriptions are optional but encouraged)
     * Contest page: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Stillman_Wiki_Wall_Photo_Contest


Photos should in some way relate to Wikimedia, and/or capture the spirit of the Wikimedia projects:

    1. photos from Wikimania or of Wikimedians,
    2. photos of our people and hardware (technology)
    3. photos of our Board, staff, volunteers
    4. photos from chapter meetings, offices, events
    5. etc.

     * All photos must be under a free license, preferably the CC-BY or CC-BY-SA license (read about licensing).
     * They must be cropped to a square for high-res printing (i.e. 1000x1000 pixels)
     * We will attribute your photo with a small label or plaque.

Thanks for entering! We'll notify the winners and send a note out on the Foundation-l and Commons-l mailing list next week with the winners.  Let me 
know if you have any questions.

Jay Walsh
Head of Communications
+1 (415) 839 6885

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