[Foundation-l] VC - alternative resolution

Nathan nawrich at gmail.com
Thu Apr 3 13:37:14 UTC 2008

Given some of the concerns that have been raised, I'd like to propose
an alternative resolution for consideration.

"The Board of Trustees, by the passage of this resolution, endorses
the creation of a committee of community members to provide guidance
on the issue of a Volunteer Council.

The committee is charged by the Board to consider and report on
the following points:

* Determine if there are needs in the community that necessitate
the creation of the Volunteer Council or similar body and identify these
needs specifically
* The role of the body in addressing the identified needs
* The structure and role of the Volunteer Council within the Wikimedia
* How the Council should be convened, and what mechanism should
be created for its dissolution if any
* Other issues important to the creation and operation of the Volunteer
Council as identified by the committee

The committee on the Volunteer Council will consist of volunteers
selected by the committee facilitator - identified by the Board as
Lodewijk Gelauff. Reports on the activity and progress of the
committee should be submitted to the Board monthly.

On September 1st, 2008, the Board requests that the committee
present a complete report that addresses each point outlined above
in full. The Board thanks the committee in advance for its service,
and recognizes the valuable work that has already been done by
Lodewijk Gelauff on this issue."

I think that a resolution of this fashion sidesteps some specific problems:

1) It doesn't create the Volunteer Council prematurely
2) It doesn't have legal implications - the committee has no formal
authority but does have the imprimatur of the Board
3) It creates the working group sought to make a determination, and
sets a specific timeline for progress and resolution
4) It allows the committee to request resources such as a private
mailing list

Thoughts? Criticism?


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