[Foundation-l] Request to unblock my mails

Michael Bimmler mbimmler at gmail.com
Wed Sep 26 15:19:07 UTC 2007

Note: Waerth has been unmoderated by me now.
Otherwise, you are correct.


On 9/26/07, Monahon, Peter B. <Peter.Monahon at uspto.gov> wrote:
> > Earlier: "...I have been put under
> > moderation months ago. I request
> > to be unmoderated...Waerth..."
> There are 418 responses to a search for "Waerth" at
> http://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/mmsearch/foundation-l
> It is my understanding that moderated posts merely await moderator
> approval, and if Waerth has sent in anything that is not spam, not
> vandalism(?) and not off-topic (though meta-topic discussions like this
> one - discussions about our discussions - are a presumed function for
> any group), then all the current moderator has to do is to approve that
> post.  I also presume that any moderator who "feels" that a
> contributor's posts are consistently in accordance with
> no-spam/no-vandalism/no-off-topic policy, then they can change the
> poster's membership to unmoderated, then the posts will go through
> without delay.  Correct me if I'm wrong.  Thanks.
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