[Foundation-l] [Internal-l] Relocation Announcement

Domas Mituzas midom.lists at gmail.com
Tue Sep 25 12:50:20 UTC 2007


> In theory you should be able to use the vast majority of Wikipedia
> from a read-only copy even while logged in.
>  I guess that hasn't been implemented?

In theory everything can be done. In practice we have to balance  
between different theories and practices, adapt to standards, common  
wisdom, usage patterns, etc.
Thats why you don't have to install application to browse wikipedia,  
site is not javascript-dependent, and back-forward buttons on your  
browser work, you can copy the link, and even customize your interface.

Please, don't assume that this has not been considered (and by  
bringing up these topics to foundation-l you probably think you're  
doing something new).
If you have any practical applications and evaluations done, feel  
free to post to wikitech-l, or join #wikimedia-tech channel for  

And... are we solving real or hypothetical problems? Why would that  
be interesting to general public? :)

Domas Mituzas -- http://dammit.lt/ -- [[user:midom]]

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