[Foundation-l] [Internal-l] Relocation Announcement

Mark Bergsma mark at wikimedia.org
Mon Sep 24 19:25:57 UTC 2007

Anthony wrote:
>>>> And that's just one HTTP request. It would be way worse if we sent all
>>>> the very many DB/memcached/DNS/etc lookups necessary to build a single
>>>> wiki page over the atlantic...
>>> If you didn't pipeline them.  But why in the world would you do that?
>> Because of the "update everywhere problem". Data of which multiple
>> copies exist either needs all copies updated atomically (impractical due
>> to the latency we were talking about) or needs to synced/merged later,
>> with all the fun conflict resolution problems you will get.
> I can't figure out what your response has to do with the question.
> What is it we're talking about, again?

Because the information needs to live in one place. The entire world is 
editing it. How to decide where to put it? Making multiple copies is not 
the answer.

Mark Bergsma <mark at wikimedia.org>
System & Network Administrator, Wikimedia Foundation

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