[Foundation-l] Relocation announcement

Ben McIlwain cydeweys at gmail.com
Sat Sep 22 16:15:55 UTC 2007

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Thomas Dalton wrote:
> On 22/09/2007, Andrew Gray <shimgray at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Yeah. Financially speaking, moving outside the US would be a big hit
>> (now and in the near future) simply due to exchange rates, if nothing
>> else.
> I don't see why exchange rates would make much difference. The WMF
> recieves donations in all kinds of currencies - just spend the pounds
> in the UK and the dollars in the US. Exchange rates only matter if you
> are exchanging currency.

That's not quite how it works.  The donations that are coming in aren't
going to be changing, so WMF will still be getting most donations in
USD.  Except, because of the poor exchange rate, it is much more
expensive to do just about everything in the UK, including renting
flats, renting office space, buying food, buying bandwidth, etc.  The
donations wouldn't go nearly as far.
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