[Foundation-l] Relocation announcement

GerardM gerard.meijssen at gmail.com
Sat Sep 22 14:53:47 UTC 2007

I find it always interesting what people are going to react to.. it is
illustrative.. For instance London was on the short list.. that is good..
arguments why it was not chosen are evident, for instance it is likely that
the complete staff of the WMF would have to be replaced. Relocating within
the US is quite different from emigrating. I wonder why they did not
consider Almere; only 40 minutes by train from Schiphol airport :) the
English language skills of the Dutch is also quite good :) Then again the
Euro and the Pound are not funny money, they are quite expensive and with
our costs being in Dollar. The good thing of being in either Britain or the
Netherlands is that the amounts paid out by the courts are rather different
from the astronomic amounts you hear being given in the USA.

It was commented upon that in San Francisco there is a lot of high tech AND
that MediaWiki is not that high tech anymore. I do not think that the last
part is not necessarily true but when great technicians can be found in that
area, it may have a positive impact and staying in St. Petersburg is
apparantly not considered to be the place to find a highly qualified

One thing I am not sure about, with a move to San Francisco is the
foundation as such also relocated ? It does not need to be...

Any way, from my perspective there are advantages to moving to SF. I hope
that we will realise the apparent benefits. :)

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