[Foundation-l] [Wiktionary-l] PanImages: cross-lingual image search created using 'Wiktionaries'

Aphaia aphaia at gmail.com
Thu Sep 13 15:38:06 UTC 2007

Thank you Brianna for letting us know that. It's quite interesting.
I'm fully supportive for your proposal.

At Wikimania2007 I heard some of our volunteers use exactly interwiki
links and *then* dictionaries either online or in paper to look
translation of words up. Also I heard several outside people use
Wikipedia just in this purpose - to looking up the meaning of foreign
words. So I think it would make a sense this looking up is down into
an automatic search and benefit search engines :)   And if we know the
people who are working on that ... why not contact them? Thought?

On 9/13/07, Brianna Laugher <brianna.laugher at gmail.com> wrote:
> PanImages Image Search Tool Speaks Hundreds Of Languages
> http://www.lockergnome.com/nexus/news/2007/09/12/panimages-image-search-tool-speaks-hundreds-of-languages/
> quote:
> PanImages' powerful brains were created by scanning more than 350
> machine-readable online dictionaries. Some of these were
> "wiktionaries," online multilingual dictionaries written by
> volunteers. The PanImages software scans these dictionaries and uses
> an algorithm to check the accuracy of the results. It then assembles
> the results in a matrix that allows translation in combinations that
> may never have been attempted — for instance, from Gujarati to
> Lithuanian.
> The actual search engine is here:
> http://www.panimages.org/index.jsp?displang=eng
> And the research paper detailing the algorithm and method is here:
> http://turing.cs.washington.edu/papers/EtzioniMTSummit07.pdf
> An idea to use Wiktionary or interwiki links to improve image search
> for Commons has long  been kicked around. Maybe we could collaborate
> with them to improve the Mayflower search engine for Commons? (Or else
> ask them to index upload.wikimedia.org and pay attention to license
> metadata :)) After all, we supplied them with all this useful data for
> free.
> cheers,
> Brianna
> --
> They've just been waiting in a mountain for the right moment:
> http://modernthings.org/
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