[Foundation-l] [Fwd: Sardininan - Sassarese languages or language and dialect?]

Andre Engels andreengels at gmail.com
Tue Sep 11 12:42:05 UTC 2007

2007/9/11, GerardM <gerard.meijssen at gmail.com>:
> Hoi,
> When you want to know what languages are recognised for the Netherlands
> check out Ethnologue.

It has improved since the last time I read it (there were 3 languages
in the Veluwe only, if I recall correctly), but still there is an
amusing difference in granularity between the Lower Saxon dialects of
the Netherlands compared to the lower Franconian (i.e. Dutch) dialects
and the Lower Saxon dialects of Germany. Still, even this list agrees
with the basic point I was making, namely that dialects can be
considered part of a language with a formalized form even when that
language is younger than the dialects themselves - looking at this
list, apparently the various Hollandic and Brabant dialects are
dialects of Dutch, even though they (or at least many of them) existed
before the 17th century.

Andre Engels, andreengels at gmail.com
ICQ: 6260644  --  Skype: a_engels

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