[Foundation-l] FW: [Wikimediameta-l] Wikimedia and cyberstalking

Delirium delirium at hackish.org
Wed Sep 5 05:53:08 UTC 2007

Brianna Laugher wrote:
> On 05/09/07, Delirium <delirium at hackish.org> wrote:
> This proposal puts the
>> cart behind the horse, opining, despite admittedly not having "concrete
>> examples", that it is a serious problem that the Foundation is not
>> responding to appropriately, and then trolling for anecdotes.
> Asking for private emails could be trolling?? ...

To clarify, I wasn't accusing anyone of "trolling" in the 
internet-jargon sense of the term, but just the more tradition sense of 
setting out a lure and seeing what it draws in. Come to think of it, I 
suppose I could've just used the word "fishing".


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