[Foundation-l] Fair Use (again)

geni geniice at gmail.com
Mon Jan 29 20:56:39 UTC 2007

On 1/29/07, The Cunctator <cunctator at gmail.com> wrote:
> My attitude is that Wikipedia should be pushing the copyright envelope
> (within reason, of course) on all fronts.

And how much money do you plan to provide to make this possible?

> All non-governmental content from the past century is covered by copyright
> (essentially).

That simply isn't the case.

> We should also be demonstrating the importance of challenging the absurd
> life and strength of copyright laws by taking advantage of fair use when we
> can.

Your reasons do not support your actions here.

> Google is a great example of a company that by dint of its popularity gets
> to run roughshod over copyright restrictions that companies would squash if
> they weren't so reliant on Google.


In any case the "no one will sue us" is not a valid argument for
wikipedia if only because sooner or latter someone will and it doesn't
help reusers.

> Similarly Wikipedia is now in the position of being one of the 800-pound
> gorillas.

Annual turnover less than that of my nearest collage. I think not.

> Wikipedia has the power to shape law because of its size and influence.

How? Political campaigning is pretty much out. We have neither the
money nor the impact. People go to wikipedia looking for information.
They are not looking for an ideology


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