[Foundation-l] Where we are headed

Anthere Anthere9 at yahoo.com
Tue May 30 01:40:22 UTC 2006

By the way, a citation published on a french site recently (an interview 
from Jimbo).

Jimbo says

"... nous souhaitons générer une version
« stable » des articles, vérifiée et approuvée par des experts sur le
sujet, tout en maintenant la possibilité de le modifier. Il est hors de
question de demander aux bénévoles de faire le plus gros du travail, et
de  demander à un expert de peaufiner le rest."


"We wish to create a stable version of all articles, checked and 
approved by experts on the topic, whilst keeping the option of 
modification of the article. It is excluded to ask volunteers to do most 
of the bulk work, and to ask to an expert to just take care of the 

What was meant here ?


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