[Foundation-l] Delhi visit, sponsorship for CWMC

Hsiang-Tai Chien htchien1225 at yahoo.com.tw
Fri May 26 16:50:23 UTC 2006

Hi Jimmy,

Thanks for the good news, that's really great!! :D

Best regards,
H.T. (w:zh:User:Htchien) 

-----Original Message-----
From: foundation-l-bounces at wikimedia.org
[mailto:foundation-l-bounces at wikimedia.org] On Behalf Of Jimmy Wales
Sent: Friday, May 26, 2006 11:59 PM
To: Wikimedia Foundation Mailing List
Subject: [Foundation-l] Delhi visit, sponsorship for CWMC

RedHat invited me to speak at a conference in Delhi, India, at a time which
is just before the CWMC.


I asked them, in lieu of me getting any honorarium personally, if they would
agree to pay for my flights to Delhi and Hong Kong, and also to donate $3000
to support the CWMC.  They agreed to do so!

KJ is the main organizer of CWMC, and she is communicating the good news to
her community.

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