[Foundation-l] Catalan Wikinews set up

Erik Moeller eloquence at gmail.com
Fri May 26 10:22:20 UTC 2006

Hi Arbeo,

Wikinews has a bit of an unusual process. Individual Wikinews language
editions have to meet much higher standards than, for example,
Wikipedias to be launched. Currently, there are, by my count:

234 Wikipedias
173 Wiktionaries
121 Wikibooks
87 Wikiquotes
31 Wikisources
21 Wikinews

The procedure for creating a new Wikinews edition is at:

As you can see from this page, there needs to be a minimum number of
supporters, rather than just a consensus, to start a new edition. In
addition, a new Wikinews edition has to translate certain documents
before it is set up:

This is because a dead Wikinews is pretty useless, whereas a dead
Wikiquote can still be useful if it contains at least a few pages.

Catalan meets these strict requirements. As for the open requests for
other projects, when a consensus is clearly visible, talk to Brion,
Tim or another developer on #wikimedia-tech, and ask them to set it


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