[Foundation-l] Wikistats

Cormac Lawler cormaggio at gmail.com
Fri May 5 16:40:03 UTC 2006

On 5/5/06, Lars Aronsson <lars at aronsson.se> wrote:
> Bryce Roney wrote:
> > I have just proposed a new project, you can find more info here:
> > http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikistats_proposal . Please comment :)
> No, you have not.  You've written ten lines that say absolutely
> nothing about your chances to bring this to successful completion.
> It's like you're begging for a fast deletion.  It's like you think
> people will thank you for spawning unrealistic ideas. Think again.
> I'm not speaking for the foundation.

That's pretty harsh, Lars. It's by no means a complete or even
coherent proposal, but it's a decent idea, and it *might* come to
completion at some stage in the future. In creating that page and
notifying this list, Bryce has only followed standard practice at:

Still, Bryce, it might be good to have some more info :-)


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