[Foundation-l] Free advertising on Wikipedia

Matt Brown morven at gmail.com
Tue May 2 00:51:27 UTC 2006

On 5/1/06, Erik Moeller <eloquence at gmail.com> wrote:
> Do we, essentially, want an invisible wall of separation between
> user-generated content and content from "trusted" sites? Or do we want
> a better solution? I don't like nofollow. It is a hack. It lacks
> imagination.

My personal opinion is that /currently/ I think nofollow has merit; I
think we're extremely bad at handling linkspamming and website
promotion in Wikipedia, and thus reducing the benefit might help.

However, if we became better at keeping track of what Wikipedia links
to and getting rid of spam, I'd support turning nofollow off.

What would be useful steps to take to keep better track of these?  Is
there anything that can be done in software?  Or procedure/process? 
External applications?


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