[Foundation-l] Open source CRM needed for Wikimedia

Birgitte SB birgitte_sb at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 25 17:20:44 UTC 2006

This seems to me to be just the latest example of
infighting within the WMF becoming a war of attrition
on this list.  By example I mean that no-one should
consider the rest of this message as directed at
Angela particularly.  Everyone is being equally
damaged by these e-mails and it is pointless. 
Truthfully it is the WMF that is coming out the loser.
 Is anyone willing to bring up whatever the actual
underlying problems are?  Is there something that can
be done to work these things out and end this sort of

I don't know how everyone can be talking of bringing
in new outside board members into the sort of
environment which must be producing these sorts of
emails.  If there is as much infighting going on as I
imagine, bringing in an outsider with experience would
likely be the same as handing over control of the
organization to them.  They would just need to play
you guys off one another to do as they like.  

Birgitte SB
who is tired of the signal-to-noise ratio

--- Angela <beesley at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm not buying into the arguments Brad and his
> friends are putting
> forward for Wikimedia to turn away from it's
> reliance on open source
> software. Especially when that decision is being
> taken by some unknown
> group of people with no community or Board
> consultation about possible
> alternatives.
> So, I'm asking if people can suggest to Brad some
> open source (fully
> open source, not "can be open source if you don't
> need the security
> package") CRM software
> I've
> no doubt that people on this list have contacts in
> the free/OS
> software world, so I'm hoping you can now use those
> contacts to help
> with this.
> Angela.
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