[Foundation-l] Opinions/suggestions for "outside" members of the board?

Anthony DiPierro wikilegal at inbox.org
Wed Jun 21 11:52:27 UTC 2006

On 6/20/06, Jimmy Wales <jwales at wikia.com> wrote:
> Paweł Dembowski wrote:
> > Anthony DiPierro wrote:
> >
> >>> Well, I wouldn't want to live a world with only "free" content.
> >>>
> >> And I wouldn't want you on the board of Wikimedia.
> >
> > I never said I wanted to be on the board. Anyway, free content has its
> > advantages, but I don't see it as either realistic or even good for it
> > to replace all other sorts of content in all situations.
> I absolutely agree with Paweł here, and so would (for example) Richard
> Stallman.  There are certain types of works which are better off freely
> licensed, and certain types of works which are not.
> Anthony DiPierro holds a different position.  Enough said.
I'm not even sure what position you're claiming that I hold (or what
position you're claiming Richard Stallman holds, for that matter).

Enough said?  No, either too much said, or too little said.


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