[Foundation-l] Opinions/suggestions for "outside" members of the board?

Gregory Maxwell gmaxwell at gmail.com
Mon Jun 19 20:20:17 UTC 2006

On 6/19/06, Sue Reed <sreed1234 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I'm sure I could do a google search for Richard Stallman and find out who he is, but as a newer member of the Wikimedia community, I have no clue who he is. The "needs no introduction" assumes that everyone is of a certain level regarding whose who in the world.
> I know who Larry Lessig is because of his connection to the John Edwards campaign in 2004, but otherwise I'd be lost as to who he is to.

You should google then...

No offense intended, but if you don't know who most (if not all) of
those people are, you're probably not informed enough about the sort
of people we're looking for to provide meaningful input.

In any case, I think finding people involved with free content will be
easy and all the people mentioned are reasonable choices (eben eben
eben eben).  Can we also find and consider people with experience in
media/publishing and experience with large non-profits?  I.e. any
bored ex-NPR executives out there anyplace?

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