[Foundation-l] the easy way or the less easy way

Michael R. Irwin michael_irwin at verizon.net
Sun Jun 18 06:05:45 UTC 2006

Anthony DiPierro wrote:

>On 6/17/06, daniwo59 at aol.com <daniwo59 at aol.com> wrote:
>>P.S. Are the staff members of members of Congress who edit their rivals'
>>pages also members?
>According to what should be, what was originally intended, what the
>bylaws say, or what the reality of the situation is?
>Depending, I'd say no, yes, maybe, or no.
>You're on the Wikimedia staff.  Are their names in the "membership
>book containing, in alphabetical order, the name and address of each
>member"?  (see the Florida Statutes 617.0601(4) and 617.1601(3)).

I had no idea that membership would be regulated by state law.   I will 
have to check up on Oregon State Regulations regarding non profits.

Thanks for the info.


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