[Foundation-l] (volunteer) job position : Ombudsperson checkuser (or checkuser Ombudsperson or whatever)

Nathan Carter magnaboy at westnet.com.au
Sat Jun 17 09:38:29 UTC 2006

Michael R. Irwin wrote:

>Is Checkuser is kind of Wikipedia specific or has this function spread 
>to all wikis?
It is used on all wikis. I know it has been used on Wikinews quite a bit 

>Might cc this thread to the various Wikipedia lists and the Wiki 
>Ambassaders or other language chapters looking for partners.
Great idea.

>Two is excellent for alternate viewpoints and highly increased reliability.
>Three is the first odd number which provides both redundancy and no 
>deadlock capacity assuming each checker provides a firm yes or no there 
>is or is not a problem.   Three way spread with complicated opinions 
>probably means more review is necessary to figure out what the hell is 
>really going on or a simple no conclusion.
Generally the idea of an ombudsperson is to work independently, that way 
things can be resolved quickly, although having a group of people may 
work if the issue is still in dispute.

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