[Foundation-l] [Wikitech-l] A proposal for organisation

Anthere Anthere9 at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 16 06:21:20 UTC 2006

Michael R. Irwin wrote:
> Somebody wrote:
>>I personally don't like the veto system. It is uncomfortable both for
>>the board *and* the people involved. Pool to choose from is much

Choosing in a pool may also be a problem if the pool was selected 
through a complete election process, as the board would be expected to 
choose the people according to the percentage of support they got.
This is the case for the english arbcom. I am not aware Jimbo ever felt 
  embarassed with any of the pool member, but it is likely he feels 
compound to pick up the top of the pool.

Choosing in a pool selected by support/oppose election type would be 
much easier, but a much more complicated process if the number of 
nominees is largely bigger than the number of final members. Is it best 
to pick up 1 person with 80% of support - 10 votes, or to pick up 1 
person with 70% of support - 100 votes ?

I think the final decision is mostly one based on what we want the 
Foundation type to be, private Foundation (business Foundation) or 
public Foundation (communittee Foundation) ?

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