[Foundation-l] Hiring of Interim Executive Director and Legal Counsel

Michael R. Irwin michael_irwin at verizon.net
Fri Jun 16 01:43:54 UTC 2006

Robert Scott Horning wrote:

>Delphine Ménard wrote:
Great work both of you!

Some really good analysis of constituent groups.   We (anybody bored and 
willing to volunteer if they thought it might get used or be valuable 
sometime somewhere) could probably cut and pasted and have an entire 
section of a business operations plan or marketing analaysis a quarter 
to half finished.

Anybody know if the new Interim Director is bringing his own ops plan or 
likes to develop his own in private?

Last time I initiated business planning at meta I was designated a troll 
so expect no dangerous unilateral initiative from me.

I will merely keep this as a reference or maybe use some of it for a 
lession plan or two at Wikiversity.

Thanks folks!


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