[Foundation-l] Fundraising ideas - bursting the bubble

Lord Voldemort lordbishopvoldemort at gmail.com
Wed Jun 14 15:06:36 UTC 2006

On 6/14/06, Anthony DiPierro <wikilegal at inbox.org> wrote:
> If you're going to go that route, you should at least pay minimum
> wage.  I rounded up to $10/hour in my estimate.
> Of course I think you could probably get 5-10 people from the USF
> campus just by offering them free pizza and soda and telling them it's
> for a good cause.  And more than 5 people is probably too much unless
> we're talking about a volume much greater than 1000.  Those paper
> folding machines are an enormous time-saver, and just one inexpensive
> one probably isn't going to support more than 5 workers.

Well, I was thinking more along the lines of a stipend in exchange for
helping out a good cause (rather than an hourly wage... as I have
found, that _sometimes_ leads to people dragging out the work). Or do
pizza and soda with a small cash "prize" of like 25 bucks for the one
who stuffs the most. I just ran by the Office Depot website and priced
a few decent looking paper folders in the range of USD 150-1500 that
fold between 1800 and 10,300 pages an hour. Just in case you cared.
Although, my guess is that these could be found cheaper if you know
who to go to (or have some connections) ;-)  --LV

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