[Foundation-l] rsHorning #02 - outside CEO

Zack Clark meta at world1tours.com
Mon Jun 12 13:15:54 UTC 2006

on 5 Jun Robert Scott Horning wrote in part:

> ...................
> I hope that this isn't a serious proposal.  In almost every situation
> that I've seen an outside CEO, particularly for successful organizations
> (a bankrupt company might be an exception), the results have been simply
> disasterous.  This includes both for-profit companies and non-profit
> organizations.  ...........

I feel a bit uneasy quoting only his intro as the same good caliber is found throughout this post.  The real dismay though lies in the follow-up that never occurred.  If the topic is say "nofollow", then we're comfortable with copious comment.  So a shying away from real 'meta' issues seems evident.  Is this list mostly for off the cuff stuff, or are more substantial subjects also fair game?

Now regarding Robert's reflections, I emphatically agree.  More generally, I continue to argue that "the proof is in the pudding".  And the basic freedom forces which have fashioned your products (WP etc.) so successfully can be tuned to address a much broader range of challenges.  And while I'd like nothing better than to provoke on point discussions in this arena, the evidence suggests this is unlikely.

Finally, I closed subject 'rsHorning #00 ...' by asking for guidance on how to improve my posts.  Notably this request was not ignored, but graciously addressed by both Robert & Birgitte SB.  Robert focused on the history & nature of this list while Birgitte mostly addressed writing style.  Taken together their insights were helpful & encouraging since both well targeted salient issues.  Warmest thanks to each.  Hopefully their consul will result in improved posts.  And while private email is often apropos, this is an instance where their thoughts could have benefited list subscribers in general.


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