[Foundation-l] Would you consider being on the Board?

Jimmy Wales jwales at wikia.com
Sun Jun 11 23:53:23 UTC 2006

Just in case anyone might misunderstand the following as suggesting a
conflict between Anthere and myself, I agree with her completely on all
points. :)

Anthere wrote:
> I strongly believe the CEO should not be on the board. It seems to make 
> sense in small organisations, but I would say it is not suitable in our 
> case.
> Doubly when the CEO is not only on the board, but also the chair of that 
> board.
> And triply (if that term exist) when the CEO not only is the chair of 
> the board, but also the foundator of the leading project.
> It raises the issue of
> 1) suitability of the CEO (not chosen per his executive abilities in the 
> first place)
> 2) availability of the CEO for day to day tasks
> 3) performance assessment of the CEO (since he is giving tasks to 
> himself and assessing his performance himself)
> 4) Relevance of the board existence
> ant
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