[Foundation-l] Would you consider being on the Board?

sannse sannse at tiscali.co.uk
Sun Jun 11 10:22:17 UTC 2006

Nathan Carter wrote:
> Kim Bruning wrote:
>> Some aspects that might be good
>> * Typically "older" users who have a lot of experience
>> * People who are mild, and unlikely to enter conflict
>> * People who have also had some amount of real life experience.
> I agree with these guidelines except for the second. There is no use 
> having someone who is just going to follow the group dynamic and agree 
> on everything just because they are afraid of being confrontational. In 
> most organisations the real changes come from conflict. Conflict when 
> constructive and directed properly is useful and should not be something 
> we shy away from.
> Cheers,
> Nathan.

There is a big difference between being assertive and active, and being 
confrontational and aggressive.


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