[Foundation-l] Would you consider being on the Board?

effe iets anders effeietsanders at gmail.com
Fri Jun 9 13:43:25 UTC 2006


2006/6/9, Angela <beesley at gmail.com>:
> I'm very surprised that the only people who are interested in a Board
> position are Fred Bauder, Walter van Kalken, Erik Moeller, The
> Cunctator, and the two people who wrote to me off-list.

I am not really surprized. For a lot of people counts that they have
already a lot of "jobs" on the Wikimedia-projets. Good people with
enough spare time to do besides that the membership of the board will
be very rare. So that means people have to be found who are prepared
to turn off some other jobs they have done for a while, or are doing
right now. That makes it of course hard to think about it.

But that is not the only reason. I think there will also be for a lot
of people the thought "I won't be good enough for the board". Not as
in I won't be elected, but as in I wouldn't deliver a good enough job.
We can see now already how hard it must be to be a boardmember, but we
can't imagine probably how much happens what we don't know of. I think
this might be a very important reason. A lot of people let it slip
through their mind, I confess, it slipped through mine too, but let
the idea go, as the goal might be too high, as it might cost too much
time. When there comes a moment that the board will be expanded, I
certainly hope so, there should be some changes to make it for more
people possible to join the board. I don't have a solution for you,
I'm sorry, but maybe this might be a little bit on the way to it. Try
to make the job easier to do besides other obligations.

Greetings, Lodewijk

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