[Foundation-l] Where we are headed

Daniel Mayer maveric149 at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 6 05:34:45 UTC 2006

--- Michael Snow <wikipedia at earthlink.net> wrote:
> One 
> use of interest to us is that if a company has a charitable giving 
> program in which employees can have an amount withheld from their 
> paychecks to the charity of their choice, the company would need the 
> charity's EIN. I'm not aware of any serious problem for a nonprofit 
> publishing this number (the American Red Cross publishes theirs on their 
> website). In fact, I've suggested putting ours out there in order to 
> make it easier for companies to add us to gift-matching programs, but 
> I'm not aware that this has been done yet.

Our EIN has been on the foundation wiki for some time now:


Of course, that whole set of pages needs to be re-done so finding things like that are easy.

-- mav

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