[Foundation-l] Where we are headed

Gerard Meijssen gerard.meijssen at gmail.com
Mon Jun 5 11:58:10 UTC 2006

Arne Klempert wrote:
> On 6/4/06, Troy Hunter <troyhunter0 at lycos.com> wrote:
>>> Why do you suppose that an outsider would be chosen for this?
>> Do you have any candidates in mind at the moment? How
>> many edits do each of them have?
> Oh yeah, let's adopt the Requests for Adminship process for chosing
> Wikimedia Foundation's employees and contractors. Or let's just count
> the edits, then probably a bot will become CEO. And thanks to Free
> Software anyone can write his own CEO. Great idea! ;)
> -- Arne (akl)
When a bot can get the job, please consider RobotGMwikt .. it has 
clocked some 500.000+ edits easily.. probably many more. Giving this bot 
the job would expose some other projects as well. :)

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