[Foundation-l] Re : Where we are headed

Jimmy Wales jwales at wikia.com
Sat Jun 3 23:41:18 UTC 2006

Traroth wrote:
> You express my deep thoughts better I could do. Foundation's opaqueness and distance to the community are growing.

I disagree strongly with this.  If anything, we are moving more and more
towards transparency and openness, and I have a strong commitment to
continuing this trend.

One major step in this process was to take a huge set of tasks that had
been done privately by me and other board members individually and as a
group and delegate them into the community.

Another major step in this process was to encourage and push for the
creation of chapters, with Delphine leading the charge in terms of
co-ordinating and encouraging this.

Another major step in this process is to hire people to do professional
business so that the board members, and me especially, can get back to
doing what we do best, which is be community leaders.

There will be other steps, as always guided and controlled by our core
values and roots.


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