[Foundation-l] Re : jobs

Alison Wheeler wikimedia at alisonwheeler.com
Fri Jun 2 13:48:36 UTC 2006

On Fri, June 2, 2006 13:16, Anthere wrote:
> For that matter, a job description for hiring a CEO was recently
> drafted. It seems the board agrees on the job description. We are
> currently voting to approve or not a candidate.

I've read Angela's response, and I'll cover the matter of the JobSpec in
another mail as it is clearly very imperfect, but I am very shocked and
saddened at that last sentence there.

For any charitable foundation which expects and *needs* to retain the
freely-donated level of work of its volunteers to engage a COO (as that is
what the description is far closer too rather than a CEO - see next mail!)
without (a) advertising the position to its membership and generally, (b)
publicising the shortlisted candidates under consideration in some manner,
and (c) having an open recruitment process throughout, would seem to be
very contrary to good corporate governance.

I do hope that this is an error, or an extremely *temporary* measure
whilst a proper and effective process is put in place, though imho there
should be no need to rush to an interim appointment given the survival so
far and that a fit and proper appointment could be made within 2-3 months

Alison Wheeler

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