[Foundation-l] H.R. 5252 and H.R. 5417

Lord Voldemort lordbishopvoldemort at gmail.com
Thu Jun 1 17:07:24 UTC 2006

Recently, legislation in the United States House of Representatives
has been introduced that may have an impact on Wikimedia. The bills in
question are H.R. 5252 and H.R. 5417, and can be seen in their
entirety by searching for them on http://thomas.loc.gov/ .  The
aforementioned bills deal with "net neutrality", restricting phone and
cable companies' ability to control aspects of the Internet and its

As this may have a direct impact on Wikimedia Foundation, I was
wondering if WMF had an official position on the matter.  "Internet"
companies such as Yahoo, Google, eBay, and others have made their
official positions known, so I was wondering if WMF had discussed this
issue.  If I am just way behind the times, would someone mind
directing me to the appropriate location?  Thanks.

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