[Foundation-l] Latest board resolutions

Lars Aronsson lars at aronsson.se
Mon Jul 31 05:20:02 UTC 2006

Michael R. Irwin wrote:

> If this is a nonissue because duplicate dataset updates are routinely 
> sent to various chapters that have agreed to serve as out of U.S. 
> control zones backups

And what I'm telling you is that "out of U.S. control zones" are 
essentially North Korea, Syria, and Zimbabwe.  If the U.S. govt 
were to close down the Wikimedia Foundation, then a backup in 
Sweden would not help you one bit.  Libya will not help you, 
because Khadaffi is far to eager to improve relations to the 
western world.  That is, in a fight between you and the U.S. Govt, 
Khadaffi would side with the later.

Venezuela's Chavez might want to help you, but will he be able to?

You better start building that fort near Waco. You're on your own.

  Lars Aronsson (lars at aronsson.se)
  Aronsson Datateknik - http://aronsson.se

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